
No straw please

發佈時間: 2019/01/09

No straw please


「飲管」的英文是straw,英文怎樣說「用飲管喝某物」﹖可以說to drink something with a straw或者to drink something through a straw。例句︰It is not a must for toddlers to drink water with a straw; they can learn to drink directly from a cup.(幼兒用飲管喝水不是必須的,他們可以學會直接用杯子喝水。)Some people believe drinking sugary drinks through straws can protect their teeth.(有些人認為用飲管喝含糖飲料可以保護他們的牙齒。)

此外,straw可以解「稻草、麥稈」。例如,a straw hat(草帽)、a straw basket(草籃)。「抽籤」除了可以說draw lots,也可以說draw straws。例如,Let's draw straws to decide who will go first.(讓我們抽籤來決定誰先走。)還有,常見the last straw指「使人最終崩潰的一擊」。例句︰Losing his job was terrible enough, but breaking up with his girlfriend was the last straw.(失去工作已經夠可怕,但與女友分手令他徹底崩潰了。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery